Sunday, 21 February 2010

What are the Rocky Nest Listening to Right Now?

February 21 - What are the Rocky Nest Listening to Right Now?

Hello everyone! I am Sally Nest, and I am poorly. Whilst the rest of the nest are in talks this very afternoon about our grand schemes for making our first pop video (very very exciting) I thought I would make a start on my blogular feature which can be easily done from the quarantined space of my bedroom.

I just asked everyone what their favourite song was currently and am going to post them up here. Since there are 8 of us, that is alot of ear candy for your very own ears!

I wasn't going to have winners, but Paul Nest is the winner at the moment for naming a song that I can't find the original of on Youtube, the obscure bugger that he is! I can only find a cover. Now, fingers crossed I embed the youtube videos okay and here we go!

1. Will Nest: Nite Becomes Day - Citizen Cope

2. Paul Nest: The Little Black Foal - Jake Thackeray (THIS IS A COVER)

3. Tom Nest: Everything Merges with the Night - Brian Eno

4. Wendy Nest: My Teacher Died - Diane Cluck

5. Izzy Nest: Jungle Drum - Emililana Torrini

6. Hannah Nest: Love is Strange - Mickey and Sylvia

7. Jonny Nest: Swans - Camera Obscura

8. Sally Nest: This Sweet Love - James Yuill

I hope you enjoyed our first installation of random ear candy! I'm going to check on my super spicy soup and get myself tucked back up in bed!

-Sally Nest

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